program ismir 2010
Printed copies of the ISMIR 2010 proceedings can be ordered through IGITUR, the digital publishing service of Utrecht University Library. Below you can find all the individual papers of the proceedings but you can also download the complete proceedings in a single PDF here.
A PDF copy of the programme guide can be found here (N.B. the maps of the conservatoire and the wireless internet access information are intentionally left out, you can find that in your hardcopy of the programme)
Sebastian Stober shot some beautiful photos of the Utrecht and all the ISMIR 2010 events. The photos can be found here.
Monday, 9 August
9:00-10:00 |
Registration |
10:00-13:00 |
Tutorials 1 and 2 |
13:00-14:00 |
lunch: there is a possibility to have lunch at the university canteen. However, this lunch is not included in the conference fee |
14:00-17:00 |
Tutorials 3 and 4 |
Tuesday, 10 August
Wednesday, 11 August
- State of the Art Report: Music Emotion Recognition: A State of the Art Review
Youngmoo E. Kim, Erik M. Schmidt, Raymond Migneco, Brandon G. Morton, Patrick Richardson, Jeffrey Scott, Jacquelin A. Speck and Douglas Turnbull
- Looking Through the “Glass Ceiling”: A Conceptual Framework for the Problems of Spectral Similarity
Ioannis Karydis, Miloš Radovanovic, Alexandros Nanopoulos and Mirjana Ivanovic
- On the Applicability of Peer-to-peer Data in Music Information Retrieval Research
Noam Koenigstein, Yuval Shavitt, Ela Weinsberg and Udi Weinsberg
- A Cartesian Ensemble of Feature Subspace Classifiers for Music Categorization
Thomas Lidy, Rudolf Mayer, Andreas Rauber, Pedro J. Ponce de León, Antonio Pertusa, and Jose Manuel Iñesta
- Improving the Generation of Ground Truths Based on Partially Ordered Lists
Julián Urbano, Mónica Marrero, Diego Martín and Juan Lloréns
Thursday, 12 August
9:00-9:30 |
Registration, coffee |
9:30-10:15 |
f(MIR) talks |
10:15-11:00 |
f(MIR) industrial panel |

- Douglas Eck (Google)
- Greg Mead (Musicmetric)
- Martin Roth (RjDj)
- Ricardo Tarrasch (Meemix)
- moderator: Rebecca Fiebrink (Princeton)
Friday, 13 August
12:30-12:40 |
Closing remarks |
posters schedule
- A Comparative Evaluation of Algorithms for Discovering Translational Patterns in Baroque Keyboard Works
Tom Collins, Jeremy Thurlow, Robin Laney, Alistair Willis and Paul H. Garthwaite
- A Multi-Perspective Evaluation Framework for Chord Recognition
Verena Konz, Meinard Müller and Sebastian Ewert
- A Probabilistic Approach to Merge Context and Content Information for Music Retrieval
Riccardo Miotto and Nicola Orio
- A Probabilistic Subspace Model for Multi-instrument Polyphonic Transcription
Graham Grindlay and Daniel P.W. Ellis
- A Segmentation-based Tempo Induction Method
Maxime Le Coz, Helene Lachambre, Lionel Koenig and Regine Andre-Obrecht
- AMUSE (Advanced MUSic Explorer) – A Multitool Framework for Music Data Analysis
Igor Vatolkin, Wolfgang Theimer and Martin Botteck
- An Improved Hierarchical Approach for Music-to-symbolic Score Alignment
Cyril Joder, Slim Essid and Gaël Richard
- An Improved Query by Singing/Humming System Using Melody and Lyrics Information
Chung-Che Wang, Jyh-Shing Roger Jang and Wennen Wang
- An Interchange Format for Optical Music Recognition Applications
Andrew Hankinson, Laurent Pugin and Ichiro Fujinaga
- Are Tags Better Than Audio? The Effect of Joint Use of Tags and Audio Content Features for Artistic Style Clustering
Dingding Wang, Tao Li and Mitsunori Ogihara
- Automated Music Slideshow Generation Using Web Images Based on Lyrics
Shintaro Funasawa, Hiromi Ishizaki, Keiichiro Hoashi, Yasuhiro Takishima and Jiro Katto
- Automatic Characterization of Digital Music for Rhythmic Auditory Stimulation
Eric Humphrey
- Automatic Mood Classification Using TF*IDF Based on Lyrics
Menno van Zaanen and Pieter Kanters
- Automatic Music Tagging With Time Series Models
Emanuele Coviello, Luke Barrington, Antony B. Chan and Gert R.G. Lanckriet
- Autoregressive MFCC Models for Genre Classification Improved by Harmonic-percussion Separation
Halfdan Rump, Shigeki Miyabe, Emiru Tsunoo, Nobutaka Ono and Shigeki Sagayama
- Bass Playing Style Detection Based on High-level Features and Pattern Similarity
Jakob Abesser, Paul Bräuer, Hanna Lukashevich and Gerald Schuller
- Beat Critic: Beat Tracking Octave Error Identification By Metrical Profile Analysis
Leigh M. Smith
- Boosting for Multi-Modal Music Emotion Classification
Qi Lu, Xiaoou Chen, Deshun Yang and Jun Wang
- Clustering Beat-Chroma Patterns in a Large Music Database
Thierry Bertin-Mahieux, Ron J. Weiss and Dan P.W. Ellis
- Concurrent Estimation of Chords and Keys from Audio
Thomas Rocher, Matthias Robine, Pierre Hanna and Laurent Oudre
- Collaborative Filtering Based on P2P Networks
Noam Koenigstein, Gert Lanckriet, Brian McFee and Yuval Shavitt
- Combined Audio and Video Analysis for Guitar Chord Identification
Alex Hrybyk and Youngmoo Kim
- Combining Chroma Features For Cover Version Identification
Teppo E. Ahonen
- Combining Features Reduces Hubness in Audio Similarity
Arthur Flexer, Dominik Schnitzer, Martin Gasser and Tim Pohle
- Computational Analysis of Musical Influence: A Musicological Case Study Using MIR Tools
Nick Collins
- Crowdsourcing Music Similarity Judgments using Mechanical Turk
Jin Ha Lee
- Decomposition Into Autonomous and Comparable Blocks: A Structural Description of Music Pieces
Frédéric Bimbot, Olivier Le Blouch, Gabriel Sargent and Emmanuel Vincent
- Discovering Metadata Inconsistencies
Bruno Angeles, Cory McKay and Ichiro Fujinaga
- Discovery of Contrapuntal Patterns
Darrell Conklin and Mathieu Bergeron
- Eigenvector-based Relational Motif Discovery
Alberto Pinto
- Evaluating the Genre Classification Performance of Lyrical Features Relative to Audio, Symbolic and Cultural Features
Cory McKay, John Ashley Burgoyne, Jason Hockman, Jordan B.L. Smith, Gabriel Vigliensoni and Ichiro Fujinaga
- Evaluation of a Score-informed Source Separation System
Joachim Ganseman, Paul Scheunders, Gautham J. Mysore and Jonathan Abel
- Evidence for Pianist-specific Rubato Style in Chopin Nocturnes
Miguel Molina-Solana, Maarten Grachten and Gerhard Widmer
- Fast vs Slow: Learning Tempo Octaves from User Data
Jason A. Hockman and Ichiro Fujinaga
- Geoshuffle: Location-Aware, Content-based Music Browsing Using Self-organizing Tag Clouds
Scott Miller, Paul Reimer, Steven Ness and George Tzanetakis
- Handling Repeats and Jumps in Score-performance Synchronization
Christian Fremerey, Meinard Müller and Michael Clausen
- Hierarchical Co-Clustering of Artists and Tags
Jingxuan Li, Tao Li and Mitsunori Ogihara
- A Cartesian Ensemble of Feature Subspace Classifiers for Music Categorization
Thomas Lidy, Rudolf Mayer, Andreas Rauber, Pedro J. Ponce de León, Antonio Pertusa, and Jose Manuel Iñesta
- Improving the Generation of Ground Truths Based on Partially Ordered Lists
Julián Urbano, Mónica Marrero, Diego Martín and Juan Lloréns
- IBT: A Real-time Tempo and Beat Tracking System
João Lobato Oliveira, Fabien Gouyon, Luis Gustavo Martins and Luis Paulo Reis
- Improving Auto-tagging by Modeling Semantic Co-occurrences
Riccardo Miotto, Luke Barrington and Gert Lanckriet
- Improving Markov Model Based Music Piece Structure Labelling with Acoustic Information
Jouni Paulus
- Infinite Latent Harmonic Allocation: A Nonparametric Bayesian Approach to Multipitch Analysis
Kazuyoshi Yoshii and Masataka Goto
- Informed Source Separation of Orchestra and Soloist
Yushen Han and Christopher Raphael
- Is There a Relation Between the Syntax and the Fitness of an Audio Feature?
Gabriele Barbieri, François Pachet, Mirko Degli Esposti and Pierre Roy
- Islands of Gaussians: The Self Organizing Map and Gaussian Music Similarity Features
Dominik Schnitzer, Arthur Flexer, Gerhard Widmer and Martin Gasser
- It’s Time for a Song – Transcribing Recordings of Bell-playing Clocks
Matija Marolt and Marieke Lefeber
- Learning Features from Music Audio with Deep Belief Networks
Philippe Hamel and Douglas Eck
- Learning Similarity from Collaborative Filters
Brian McFee, Luke Barrington and Gert Lanckriet
- Characterization and Similarity in A Cappella Flamenco Cantes
Joaquín Mora, Francisco Gómez, Emilia Gómez, Francisco Escobar-Borrego and José Miguel Díaz-Báñez
- Melody Extraction from Polyphonic Audio Based on Particle Filter
Seokhwan Jo and Chang D. Yoo
- Multiple Pitch Transcription using DBN-based Musicological Models
Stanislaw Andrzej Raczynski, Emmanuel Vincent, Frédéric Bimbot and Shigeki Sagayama
- Modified Ais-based Classifier for Music Genre Classification
Noor Azilah Draman, Campbell Wilson and Sea Ling
- Monophonic Instrument Sound Segregation by Clustering NMF Components Based on Basis Similarity and Gain Disjointness
Kazuma Murao, Masahiro Nakano, Yu Kitano, Nobutaka Ono and Shigeki Sagayama
- Multiple Viewpoints Modeling of Tabla Sequences
Parag Chordia, Avinash Sastry, Trishul Malikarjuna and Aaron Albin
- Music Genre Classification via Compressive Sampling
Kaichun K. Chang, Jyh-Shing Roger Jang and Costas S. Iliopoulos
- Sparse Multi-label Linear Embedding Within Nonnegative Tensor Factorization Applied to Music Tagging
Yannis Panagakis, Constantine Kotropoulos and Gonzalo R. Arce
- Music21: A Toolkit for Computer-Aided Musicology and Symbolic Music Data
Michael Scott Cuthbert and Christopher Ariza
- Music Structure Discovery in Popular Music using Non-negative Matrix Factorization
Florian Kaiser and Thomas Sikora
- Musical Instrument Recognition using Biologically Inspired Filtering of Temporal Dictionary Atoms
Steven K. Tjoa and K.J. Ray Liu
- YAAFE, an Easy to Use and Efficient Audio Feature Extraction Software
Benoit Mathieu, Slim Essid, Thomas Fillon, Jacques Prado and Gaël Richard
- On the Use of Microblogging Posts for Similarity Estimation and Artist Labeling
Markus Schedl
- Parataxis: Morphological Similarity in Traditional Music
Andre Holzapfel and Yannis Stylianou
- Pitch Class Set Categories as Analysis Tools for Degrees of Tonality
Aline K. Honingh and Rens Bod
- Prediction of Time-varying Musical Mood Distributions from Audio
Erik M. Schmidt and Youngmoo E. Kim
- Quantifying the Benefits of Using an Interactive Decision Support Tool for Creating Musical Accompaniment in a Particular Style
Ching-Hua Chuan and Elaine Chew
- Query-by-conducting: An Interface to Retrieve Classical-music Interpretations by Real-time Tempo Input
Akira Maezawa, Masataka Goto and Hiroshi G. Okuno
- Querying Improvised Music: Do You Sound Like Yourself?
Michael O. Jewell, Christophe Rhodes and Mark d’Inverno
- Real-time Polyphonic Music Transcription with Non-negative Matrix Factorization and Beta-divergence
Arnaud Dessein, Arshia Cont and Guillaume Lemaitre
- Recognising Classical Works in Historical Recordings
Tim Crawford, Matthias Mauch and Christophe Rhodes
- Recognition of Variations Using Automatic Schenkerian Reduction
Alan Marsden
- Scalable Genre and Tag Prediction with Spectral Covariance
James Bergstra, Michael Mandel and Douglas Eck
- Similarity Measures for Chinese Pop Music Based on Low-level Audio Signal Attributes
Chun-Man Mak, Tan Lee, Suman Senapati, Yu-Ting Yeung and Wang-Kong Lam
- Singing / Rap Classification of Isolated Vocal Tracks
Daniel Gärtner
- Singing Pitch Extraction by Voice Vibrato / Tremolo Estimation and Instrument Partial Deletion
Chao-Ling Hsu and Jyh-Shing Roger Jang
- Upbeat and Quirky, With a Bit of a Build: Interpretive Repertoires in Creative Music Search
Charlie Inskip, Andy MacFarlane and Pauline Rafferty
- An Audio Processing Library for MIR Application Development in Flash
Jeffrey Scott, Raymond Migneco, Brandon Morton, Christian M. Hahn, Paul Diefenbach and Youngmoo E. Kim
- SongWords: Exploring Music Collections Through Lyrics
Dominikus Baur, Bartholomäus Steinmayr and Andreas Butz
- String Quartet Classification with Monophonic Models
Ruben Hillewaere, Bernard Manderick and Darrell Conklin
- Supervised and Unsupervised Web Document Filtering Techniques to Improve Text-Based Music Retrieval
Peter Knees, Markus Schedl, Tim Pohle, Klaus Seyerlehner and Gerhard Widmer
- Symbol Classification Approach for OMR of Square Notation Manuscripts
Carolina Ramirez and Jun Ohya
- Tempo Induction Using Filterbank Analysis and Tonal Features
Aggelos Gkiokas, Vasilis Katsouros and George Carayannis
- The Standardized Variogram as a Novel Tool for Music Similarity Evaluation
Simone Sammartino, Lorenzo José Tardón, Cristina de la Bandera, Isabel Barbancho and Ana M. Barbancho
- ThumbnailDJ: Visual Thumbnails of Music Content
Ya-Xi Chen and René Klüber
- Timbral Qualities of Semantic Structures of Music
Rafael Ferrer and Tuomas Eerola
- Towards More Robust Geometric Content-Based Music Retrieval
Kjell Lemström
- Tunepal – Disseminating a Music Information Retrieval System to the Traditional Irish Music Community
Bryan Duggan and Brendan O’Shea
- Universal Onset Detection with Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Neural Networks
Florian Eyben, Sebastian Böck, Björn Schuller and Alex Graves
- Unsupervised Accuracy Improvement for Cover Song Detection Using Spectral Connectivity Network
Mathieu Lagrange and Joan Serrà
- Users’ Relevance Criteria in Music Retrieval in Everyday Life: An Exploratory Study
Audrey Laplante
- Using jWebMiner 2.0 to Improve Music Classification Performance by Combining Different Types of Features Mined from the Web
Gabriel Vigliensoni, Cory McKay and Ichiro Fujinaga
- Vocalist Gender Recognition in Recorded Popular Music
Björn Schuller, Christoph Kozielski, Felix Weninger, Florian Eyben and Gerhard Rigoll
- When Lyrics Outperform Audio for Music Mood Classification: A Feature Analysis
Xiao Hu and J. Stephen Downie
- From Theory to Practice: The Development and Application of a Music Classification and Content Personalization Hybrid System
Ricardo Tarrasch
- Pattern Identification in Melody via Wavelets
Gissel Velarde
- Song Prompter: An Accompaniment System based on the Automatic Alignment of Lyrics and Chords to Audio
Matthias Mauch, Hiromasa Fujihara and Masataka Goto
- Exploiting Online Resources to Improve Chord Recognition Accuracy.
Matt McVicar and Tijl De Bie
- Interactive Controller for Audio Object Localization and Automatic Thumbnail Music Generator
Noriyoshi Kamado, Hiroyuki Nawata, Hiroshi Saruwatari and Kiyohiro Shikano
- Score-Informed Audio Parametrization
Sebastian Ewert and Meinard Mueller
- Clone Detection for Max/MSP Patch Libraries
Nicolas Gold, Jens Krinke, Mark Harman and David Binkley
- MusicGalaxy: An Adaptive User-Interface for Exploratory Music Retrieval
Sebastian Stober and Andreas Nürnberger
- A Novel Timeline Adjustment Functionality for the Interpretation Switcher
Meinard Mueller, Verena Konz, Peter Grosche, Nanzhu Jiang and Zhe Zuo
- Fight Against Variant Tempo: Query by Humming and Clapping
Ruofeng Chen
- Cloudspeakers
Chris Bol, Stan van de Burgt and Arjen De Vries
- Characterisation of Composer Style using High Level Musical Features
Lesley Mearns and Simon Dixon
- The Wekinator: A System for Real-time, Interactive Machine Learning in Music
Rebecca Fiebrink and Perry R. Cook
- The Echo Nest Musical Fingerprint
Daniel Ellis, Brian Whitman, Tristan Jehan and Paul Lamere
- Sonarflow: Visual Music Exploration \& Discovery
Thomas Lidy
- Functional Harmony Annotation Database for Statistical Music Analysis
Hitomi Kaneko, Daisuke Kawakami and Shigeki Sagayama
- A Demo of AMUSE (Advanced MUSic Explorer)
Igor Vatolkin, Wolfgang Theimer and Martin Botteck
- The Music Inventory Database
Laurent Pugin
- Demonstration of the PerlHumdrum Analysis Toolkit (PHAT)
Ian Knopke
- Semantics for Signal and Result Collections through Linked Data: How Country is my Country?
Kevin Page, Benjamin Fields, Tim Crawford, David De Roure, Gianni O’Neill and Bart Nagel
- Timbre-Based Percussive Rhythm Classification and Retrieval
Michael Casey and Spencer Topel
- LinkedBrainz: Providing the MusicBrainz Next Generation Schema as Linked Data
Kurt Jacobson, Simon Dixon and Mark Sandler
- Rhyme Analyzer: An Analysis Tool for Rap Lyrics
Hussein Hirjee and Daniel Brown
- Audio Melody Extraction: Late Breaking at ISMIR 2010
Karin Dressler
- Gordon Music Collection Database Management System
Douglas Eck, Jorge Orpinel, Ron Weiss and Juan Bello
- Towards Music Performing Humanoids
David Grunberg, Alyssa Batula, Daniel M. Lofaro, JunHo Oh, Paul Y. Oh and Youngmoo E. Kim
Guojun Zhu, Kris West, Amit Kumar, Andrew Shirk, Andreas Ehmann, Mert Bay and J. Stephen Downie
- Evaluation of Performance-to-Score MIDI Alignment of Piano Duets
KatieAnna Wolf and Elaine Chew
- Temperament Estimation as an MIR task
Dan Tidhar, Gyorgy Fazekas, Matthias Mauch and Simon Dixon
- The Music Encoding Initiative: Release 2010-05
Johannes Kepper, Laurent Pugin, Perry Roland and Raffaele Viglianti
- An Online Interface to explore Audio Segments
Steven Ness, Peter van Kranenburg