how to reach utrecht

You can travel to Utrecht by airplain, train, or car. When you reached Utrecht, directions for getting to the conference venue and to the student hosing can be found at the directions page.

Airport (Amsterdam, Eindhoven)

There a large international airport near Amsterdam called Schiphol Airport that has good train connections to Utrecht. It has connections to many major and smaller airports around the world. In order to reach the conference venue, one can travel by train from Schiphol to Utrecht centraal station. This takes around 33 minutes, with trains running every 15 minutes during regular hours. Train tickets can be bought at the vending machines (one type is shown in the picture) or at a ticket desk close to these machines. Choose destination Utrecht CS. You need a “Discount Pass” to qualify for the discount tickets, so generally you will need to pay the Full Fare. Train schedules can be found on The train station is within walking distance from most of the hotels indicated on our website.


A smaller airport that serves various airports in Europe is located near Eindhoven. There is a bus line that runs every 10 minutes between the airport and the train station Eindhoven. From Eindhoven station there is a direct train connection to Utrecht Centraal station. For train schedules see, the train ride will take 50 minutes.

There is also an international airport in Düsseldorf that is a bit further away from Utrecht but may be an option nevertheless and an airport near Brussels .

By train from the direction of Amsterdam, Germany, Belgium, France

There are good train connections to Utrecht from train stations within the Netherlands. Choose Utrecht Centraal as your destination using to plain your trip within the Netherlands. From Amsterdam Centraal Station, a direct train travels to Utrecht four times per hour. For people from Belgium and France who plan to travel by train, take the route via Brussels to Rotterdam and switch trains to Utrecht (cf. and to plan your trip) from Brussels, travel time to Utrecht is about two and half hours. From Germany, there is a direct connection from Frankfurt over Köln and Düsseldorf to Utrecht that takes about three and a half hours from Frankfurt (cf. and to plan your trip). Note that, due to major construction works at Arnhem Station, trains from Germany will take a different route and may be delayed.

By car

Traveling by car to Utrecht is not advised because the conference venue and hotels are in the centre of the city and parking places are expensive. Nevertheless, the city centre of Utrecht can be accessed well by car and we advice ( to plan your trip by car.


ISMIR 2010 photos

9 September 2010

Sebastian Stober shot some beautiful photos of the Utrecht and all the ISMIR 2010 events. The photos can be found here.

PDF of complete proceedings

17 August 2010

We added a PDF of the complete proceedings. You can find all the papers, the late-breaking /  demo abstracts and the complete proceedings at the program page.